BordeauXchange Disclaimer
BordeauXchange is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’).
Investors are also strongly encouraged to carry out their own due diligence before committing to any investment. Individuals should carry out their own checks by inspection and by an appointed financial professional or otherwise.
Our advice is based on information taken from trade services, in-house statistics, and other sources, which BordeauXchange Ltd believes to be reliable. Trading advice reflects our judgment at a specific time and there is no guarantee of results.
You should be aware that the value of fine wine can go down as well as up, and no guarantees as to future performance or capital growth are given expressly or by implication. Investors should make themselves fully aware of the risks of market fluctuations in foreign currency rates and their own personal tax and tax relief circumstances.
No offers are in any way invitations to participate in a collective investment scheme as defined in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (section 235) and as such buyers have no access to statutory or regulatory protections including the Financial Ombudsman Service and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (‘FSCS’).